A “pantry” is the place for storing food. But not just that alone, at least not in Italy, where it also has a symbolical function, a sort of treasure chest for food which will be at the centre of convivial get-togethers and shared with families and loved ones. Almost an umbilical cord which links each one of us to tradition, childhood memories and the emotional sphere.
This is a pantry in Italy, not simply a locations but roots, authenticity, lifestyle which mingle taste and colour with affections, involving all our senses.
Dispensa Italiana will take place in the Palafiori of Sanremo from 22 to 25 April and wishes to recreate all this and to show itself to the public as an alternative event devoted to good food. So, plenty of space for food tasting and product promotion without forgetting a fun and tasty health education.
There will be food itineraries to nourish taste buds and eyes, with tastings which will also involve smell, feel and flavours. It will be possible to learn how to discover the best and most nutritious products for the body and those humble ones, but full of tradition and culture, which narrate the stories of the farmers, breeders, dairymen and researchers who are involved every day in order to guarantee quality. The central concept of the hall is simplicity: high quality dishes able to enhance flavours may be obtained without resorting to great and evident handling and all this will be staged in Dispensa Italiana. As this is the first edition, the main theme will be “pasta” based on the Pastashow model, carried out in Naples in 2001 thanks to Fofò Ferriere and his group Macaroni Communication, which will be presented on a reduced scale in the Palafiori.
The event is organised by the Consorzio Gruppo Eventi. For further information please write to segreteria@gruppoeventi.org.